8 tips for plant care

8 tips for plant care

The main keys for our plants to survive.


– 1. Do not abuse water

– 2. Clean the leaves of houseplants

– 3. Fertilize

– 4. Heal wounded or cut stems

– 5. Scare away insects

– 6. Remove aphids

– 7. Eliminate parasites

– 8. Know the plants well

Regardless of whether we have a garden or a small houseplant, caring for plants is very important to know how to best preserve them and prevent them from dying prematurely. Keeping key details in mind can make the difference that they survive or die quickly.

In this vein, the plants are essential elements of the decoration of both interior and exterior of our home, plus a touch off rescue home for its greenery and exotic forms. This is why we consider basic knowledge of plant care necessary and essential, allowing us to know what to do and when to prolong its lifetime.

1. Do not abuse water8 tips for plant care

If we water the plants with a lot of water or very often, it is very likely that we saturate the plant, choking it without allowing it to breathe. Another reason why abusing water is counterproductive in the care of plants, is because water drains excessively over the soil, which causes the soil’s mineral concentration to be subtracted from the soil, so you should only use what is necessary.

2. Clean the leaves of houseplants

For good plant care, it is necessary to dust the leaves. Cleaning them continuously means keeping them away from parasites and allowing them to breathe. This inturn helps prevent the leaves from falling victim to airborne fungi that are transported in the dust. In addition, they will always look bright and with an intense green.

3. Fertilize8 tips for plant care

This is very important for the care of the plants, since this way we are stimulating their growth. We must fertilize plants, based on carrying vitamins and minerals such as “iron, magnesium, boron and, zinc” although we must always do it taking into account the specific needs of each species and each type of plant.

4. Heal wounded or cut stems

Not everyone knows this trick for plant care, but it is very useful to rescue a plant that is at possible, risk of dying and that we want to recover. It is very common, especially in plants located outdoors, that the stems break. For this we must take a little hot wax, to cover the wounded and broken area. Thus we are preventing the stem from losing water and nutrients due to the cut and regenerating itself more easily.

5. Scare away insects8 tips for plant care

The insects like ants, can be deadly for plant care since a lot of these animals and creatures, the leaves of the plants are eaten, killing them slowly. For this, the use of insecticides is not recommended, since this corrodes both the predator and the plant. So a good idea is to put aromatic herbs like jasmine or oregano, which scares away most unnecessary insects.

6. Remove aphids

Just as there are ecological mosquito traps, there are also remedies for annoying aphids, which simultaneously help us to care for plants, since this way we prevent these creatures from feeding on them, lengthening their lifetime. If we see that these insects begin to invade and affect the care of the plants, use a stream of soapy water to remove them.

7. Eliminate parasites

If we have a vegetable garden or just a houseplant, we can see if parasites are attacking our bush. We will notice if they affect our care of the plants in case we find spots on the leaves. An effective idea is to wash matches upside down, so that the sulfur destroys them little by little, without directly or indirectly attacking the life of the bush and contributing to the care of the plants.

8. Know the plants well8 tips for plant care

As we said earlier when referring to the correct amount of water, it is necessary to know the types of plants that we have and that we must take care of them, since each species has different needs and demands that we must attend to. Therefore, we recommend grouping similar plants, to know how often to water, fertilize, or spray, each group. Measuring its light conditions and temperatures. It is necessary to inform and ask before about the proper care of the plants before taking it home.

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